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> Papers and Publications | BEERENDS J. G., RIX A. W., HOLLIER M. P., HEKSTRA A. P. Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) The New ITU Standard for End-to-End Speech Quality Assessment, Part I Time-Delay Compensation J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 50, No. 10, 2002 [read more] |
BEERENDS J. G., RIX A. W., HOLLIER M. P., HEKSTRA A. P. Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) The New ITU Standard for End-to-End Speech Quality Assessment, Part II Psychoacoustic Model J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 50, No. 10, 2002 [read more] |
BEERENDS J. G. Measuring the Quality of Speech and Music Codecs, an Integrated Psychoacoustic Approach 98th AES Convention, Paris 1995, Preprint #3945 [read more] |
BEERENDS J. G., STEMERDINK J. A. A perceptual audio quality measure based on a psychoacoustic sound representation J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 40, No. 12, pp. 963-987, 1992 [read more] |
BEERENDS J. G., STEMERDINK J. A. A perceptual speech quality measure based on a psychoacoustic sound representation J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 115-123, 1994 [read more] |
BENJAMIN E. Evaluating Digital Audio Artifacts with PEAQ 113th AES Convention, Los Angeles 2002, Preprint #5711 [read more] |
BRANDENBURG K. SPORER Th.: 'NMR' and 'masking flag': Evaluation of Quality using Perceptual Criteria Proc. of the 11th International AES Conference on Audio Test and Measurement, Portland 1992, pp. 169-179 [read more] |
COLOMES C., LEVER M., RAULT J.B., DEHERY Y.F. A perceptual model applied to audio bit-rate reduction J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 43, pp. 233-240, 1995 [read more] |
COLOMES C., SCHMIDMER Ch., THIEDE T., TREUNIET W. Perceptual Quality Assessment for Digital Audio: PEAQ the new ITU Standard for Objective Measurement of Perceived Audio Quality Proc. Of the AES 17th International Conference, pp. 337-351, 1999, Florence Italy [read more] |
HERRE J., EBERLEIN E., SCHOTT H., SCHMIDMER Ch. Analysis Tool for Realtime Measurements using Perceptual Criteria" Proc. of the 11th International AES Conference on Audio Test and Measurement, Portland 1992, pp.180-190 [read more] |
KEYHL M., HERRE J., SCHMIDMER Ch. NMR Measurements of Consumer Recording Devices Which Use Low Bit-Rate Audio Coding 94th AES Convention, Berlin 1993, Preprint #3616 [read more] |
KEYHL M., HERRE J., SCHMIDMER Ch. NMR Measurements on Multiple Generations Audio Coding 96th AES Convention, Amsterdam, 1994, Preprint #3803 [read more] |
KEYHL M., SCHMIDMER Ch., HERRE J., HILPERT J. Maintaining Sound Quality - Experiences and Constraints of Perceptual Measurements in Today´s and Future Networks" 98th AES Convention, Paris, 1995, Preprint #3946 [read more] |
KEYHL M., SCHMIDMER Ch., WACHTER H. A Combined Measurement Tool for the Objective, Perceptual Based Evaluation of Compressed Speech and Audio Signals 106th AES Convention, Munich, 1999, Preprint #4931 [read more] |
KEYHL M., SCHMIDMER Ch., WACHTER H., RATH S., STOLL G., COLOMES C., SPORER T. Evaluating the Perceived Audio Quality (PEAQ) of Internet Audio Codecs 109th AES Convention, Los Angeles, 2000 [read more] |
MÖLLER S., BERGER J. Describing Telephone Speech Codec Quality Degradations by Means of Impairment Factors J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 50, No. 9 , 2002 [read more] |
RIX A. W. , BERGER J., Beerends J. G. Perceptual Quality Assessment of Telecommuniations Systems Including Terminals 114th AES Convention, Amsterdam, 2003 [read more] |
SPORER Th. Evaluating Small Impairments with the Mean Opinion Scale - Reliable or Just a Guess? 101st AES Convention 1996, Preprint #4396 (E-1) [read more] |
SPORER Th. Objective Audio Signal Evaluation - Applied Psychoacoustics for Modeling the Perceived Quality of Digital Audio 103rd AES Convention, New York, 1997 Preprint #4512 [read more] |
STOLL G., BEERENDS J., BITTO R., BRANDENBURG K., COLOMES C., FEITEN B., KEYHL M., SCHMIDMER Ch., SPORER T., THIEDE Th., TREUNIET W. "PEAQ - der neue ITU-Standard zur objektiven Messung der wahrgenommenen Audioqualität" RTM - Rundfunktechnische Mitteilungen, die Fachzeitschrift für Hörfunk und Fernsehtechnik, September 1999, 43. Jahrgang, Seiten 81-120, ISSN 0035-9890 [read more] |
THIEDE Th., TREUNIET W., BITTO R., SCHMIDMER Ch., SPORER T., BEERENDS J., COLOMES C., KEYHL M., STOLL G., BRANDENBURG K., FEITEN B. PEAQ The ITU Standard for Objective Measurement of Perceived Audio Quality J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 48, 2000 [read more] |
TREURNIET W. C. , SOULODRE G. A. Evaluation of the ITU-R Objective Audio Quality Measurement Method J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 48, Number 3, March 2000 [read more] |
> Further Literature | BRANDENBURG K. Evaluation of Quality for Audio Encoding at low Bit Rates 82nd AES Convention, London 1987, Preprint #2433 |
KARJALEINEN M. A New Auditory Model for the Evaluation of Sound Quality of Audio Systems Proc. of the ICASSP 1985, pp. 608-611 |
PAILLARD B., MABILLEAU P., MORISETTE S., SOUMAGNE J. PERCEVAL: Perceptual evaluation of the quality of audio signals J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 40, 21-31, 1992 |
PRACHT St. Voice Quality COMMUNICATE, November 1998, p. 43-46 |
TERHARDT E. Calculating Virtual Pitch Hearing Research, Vol. 1, 1979, p. 155-182 |
THIEDE Th., KABOT E. A New Perceptual Quality Measure for Bit Rate Reduced Audio 100th AES Convention, Copenhagen, 1996, Preprint #4280 |
> Books | FLANAGEN J. L. Speech Analysis, Synthesis and Perception Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1972 |
VARY P., HEUTE U., HESS W. Digitale Sprachsignalverarbeitung Teubner-Verlag, Stuttgart, 1998 |
ZWICKER E., FELDTKELLER R. Das Ohr als Nachrichtenempfänger Hirzel-Verlag, Stuttgart, 1967 |
ZWICKER E. Psychoakustik Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1982 |
> Further Information | For further information on OPTICOM Voice/Audio Quality measurement products refer to our [OPERA download] information. |
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